I had enough!! Enough of DNFs this year!!
Much as I wanted to win a race or have a
good finishing position with close racing,
I really need to finish all my heats.
As the saying goes, "to finish the race first,
first you have to finish the race"
Although, the 3 DNFs in as many races is not
my fault I just felt that I should now think of ways
to get rid of all mishaps in any heats and qualifyings.
Let me recap of what had happened...
Race 1, Feb, crashed out from behind in Heat 2.
I do not think I can do anything much to prevent
that. Could I have spikes on my rear bumper to deter
mad people?
Race 2, Mar, couldn't start engine after waited in
the rain for Mary to come by the grid in Heat 2 (again).
I could have call God on my mobile to have him
stop the rain for awhile?
Race 3, Apr, battery was 'destroyed' due to serious
vibration from the kart on the lap 2 of Heat 2.
Install suspension on the kart?
Yes yes, it's my crazy talk there. But as you can
see beside Race 3 incident which I should have placed
some foam in the battery holder to adsorb some of the
vibrations, the other two are just there to make me
go #$!@%^##~F@##^@#!@!!!
Anyone know where to buy the Tee with a big
'WHY ME' in front??
Looking at it now, all incidents happened in Heat 2.
Did someone sabotage my kart and its components??
Or is it just my pure darn lousy luck?
This 'evil force' which prevents me from doing my best
in the race is killing me from within.
Because I know I can do better.
How much better is still to be seen, but deep inside I
know my real race performance is still to be seen.
Because I Never Had A Good Chance To Really Race!
I really Envy all those who did both heats. All the fatigue
that follow after with the self satisfaction is an intoxicating
feelings. I missed it. Perhaps I'm an addict to the feeling.
So one will understand what an addict feels when he's
being denied the 'high' again & again...
And with much frustrations I gathered after the lousy
races I had to vent it out somewhere... Now, I usually
just drive a bit crazily on the public road.
Not good... I know.
But I'm really angry. Upset by the mere fact that as much
as I did tries to prepare carefully and timely things just
came apart for me in crucial period.
I have to find a way.
A way to kill this evil residing inside me now.
Residing just to make me cock up somehow in races..
I must finish a race soon.
And it must be a good race with crazy overtakings.
This residential evil will have to go... whatever it takes...
no matter what!

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