13 March
Jam at the causeway even at the early hour of 7am!
What normally took me 10 mins at the same time, took
45 mins today!

I just needed to hit the track today to get the track time with
Mojo D2 tyres, which is RMC tyres. I feel it is essential to get
into the groove of driving again too. Frankly, during last Sunday
race, I felt I was not on the rhythm of things.

Getting the kart prepared today, thankfully I realised/ recalled
the exhaust bracket was loose before I went out on track.
Else, some things may be damaged during the course of driving

While waiting to charge up my battery for awhile longer, I asked
Sherry who did she helped to take photos for last sundays race.
It turned out that Louis had her to shoot us for a 'newspaper clip',
but he deemed that the pics are not good enough.
That you will have to be the judge of it, some pics below.
Ah, yes, I was wearing a new blue suit!

When I was changing out, CK Cheong and his French friend,
Frederick, arrived at the track too. It was nice to have some
company, and it prove good too later on as CK suggested to
have a 10 laps race ... twice.

Before we did that, I went out and have a feel of the Mojo on my
kart. Not surprising, it does felt less grippy. The grip of the Mojo
certainly cannot be compare to MG, but with some testing sessions
and settings on the chassis I think it can be very drivable.
The first 9 laps I did returned with the fastest time of 47+sec.
Not good. But I was not too concerned then since I knew that my
first outing of the day is normally 'slow'.
It is when I returned to the pits and he suggested the 'race'
I was fine with the idea but was slightly apprehensive as I was
on the slightly inferior rubber. At the same time, I did not know
their level of driving so I just hope they will be 'nice; on the track.
The first 10 laps started, I was at the 3rd position.
I took the both of them at the downhill hairpin, and remain there
for the rest of it. In fact I was the only one driving after 5 laps,
I think as the both of them has some issue with the kart.
This session saw me going at 46.61s.
Hmm Not too slow, I think. Certainly, not the fastest but a
good improvement from the 1st session and the last time I used
Mojo last month.

We rested and chit chat for awhile before we head out again.
Another 10 laps. Thank goodness the weather great, cooling,
cloudy but dry.

Likewise, I just slotted in behind the both of them and
similarly I overtook them at the same hairpin.
I was thinking they are not too comfortable in the braking
at the spot, or did my front brake helps? Maybe both.
This session, CK managed to finish the 10 laps but Frederick
had to stop after 5 laps.
Quite nicely, this session I managed to improve another 0.1s.
With that I also started to pack, and hope to learn something
today from the track time.
I need more practice for sure. For now, some pics from last
sunday race:
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