Yesterday was a hot hot day for any activities, and doing
a race with 2 heats of 15 laps each is really quite an amazing
feat for the crazy bunch of us.
We are MAD !!
And to pay for the price of madness is ache on the neck,
shoulders and the ribs! How nice!
The race for myself was okay, and the overall result is satisfying
too with the points accumulated giving me a 3rd place finish.

But seriously, although I waved to some of the guys who DNF
and watched at the start finish line I was feeling somewhat 'down'.

No, no, I was delighted on the result, make no mistake about that
especially when I looked back at my problem in the Feb race.
I was feeling down because I could not really race with Allan Lange,
and not being really keep up to pace with him in both heats when he
was running in second place.
It is not a given right to be fast and quick, so it all just means that I
have much more work to do.
I will recount some interesting details of the race later...
Kart back in shape?
yup engine ok! ;)
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