you have not. Nonetheless, I had been thinking about it.
Thinking about how one day I can feel so good about the kart,
and another day I just feel lousy, even plain depressing.

In the past 2 weeks, I had time to think it through somewhat.
Firstly, I identified that the most obvious reason is that of my
physical condition of the particular day. Someday, you just go.
And you just feel great. And then you kart some more. "What a day!"
you tell yourself. After all the exhaustion from the track activities,
you only feel knackered when you reached home in the evening.
Even though the neck and arm are ached, you will feel immensely
satisfied. However, could my physical condition differ that much
from one session to another?? A question I afraid I cannot answer
in absolute terms.

Which brought to think about "My Think"
Ok, ok I meant to say the mental sharpness or frame of mind that
particular day at the track.
I guess we have some of the 'Down time Days' along the way, I had
them too. I believed it is during these days, I just feel like driving
around the track. Feel the wind blowing into my helmet or suit.
It's like a leisure activities rather than a sports.
However, there are other times when I am like a different animal.
It is in these some days, I reached the track roaring to go like a lion
being unleashed to chase its prey..
Devouring whatever that stand in its way. Leaving no live prisoners
in its wake.

BUT, I have to discover what this it that make me tick... make me
move like a hunting predator.

This is being demonstrated in the movie "Kung Fu Panda" which I
watched recently. If you have watched it, you will see that Master Shifu
discover how to use Po’s passion for food as a motivation to learn kung fu.

hunger for food AND learning kung fu, he was able to master the art
So, I really do hope I will find out HOW and What about "My Think"
to make me Move on the track soon... Move real fast, that is!

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