Thursday, October 2, 2008

Chlid's Play

1 Oct, Plentong Track (where else??? Tongue)

I went to kart on the public holiday because I know Gary will
be going as well. Good to have someone to kart together on track,
or at least talk to after each other session which is what we did

Secondly, before i brush and wash up at 8+am, I check the online
traffic update and saw that the causeway is clear! In less than 1omins,
I'm out of my front door. Laugh

Thirdly, the rain that poured the nite before has stopped. Some sun
shine through the cloudy skies which is a good sign. The day continue
to be cloudy with some drizzle which make karting that day somewhat
more relaxed.

Only my 3rd (12 laps) and 4th (20 laps) sessions I felt good, the 1st
2 sessions I only could complete 6-8 laps and I felt very breathless
and drained! Perhaps I need to warm up more before I pilot my
kart from now on.

My time is still not good at the moment, Gary had advised me to get
the settings as sweet as possible before going for a very good time.
If my settings, height of chassis, front end setting, rear end setting,
some additional equipment like torsion bars and front hub for a better
feel of the kart. All these will translate to a better kart in general.
Without proper set up, it will really just be child's play.

During my last session of the 20 odd laps, I had to go slow for a lap
or two before I try to push again. During the slower lap, I tried to
do a mental note of some landmarks of braking points.
Because this track has quite some long fast straight, I afraid in moment
of fatigue without 'landmarks' I could lost concentration and miss
the braking zone. It would be very nasty should a high speed crash
Lips Are Sealed

Anyway, today, the following day from my karting, I am having a
neck ache, right side. Guess it's time to 'train' my neck or else it's
going to be very tough when race comes up.

Talking about chlid's play, Mr Luca of the F team which recently
scored ZERO point from Singapore F1 GP lashed out and said that
Singapore street circuit is a Circus! Thumbs Down
I will say to him, You and your team is the clown if our circuit
is a circus! Go back to holding your Lollipop Lah!pic from ITV-F1

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