Sunday, May 23, 2010

Some pics

23 May

Is it not been some time since I wrote something here?
Yes it is!!

Had tried my hands at Kartright In the Nsscafe National
last weekend... And it's just brutal to do a race without any or
much practice. Anyway, I had some fun there.
It is very much different from racing in a club race in Plentong.

I will write more about it soon enough.

Now, I'm tired. Just returned from a race in Plentong.
Had some good fun there.
The spirit there is just great. Most of us respect and treat each
other as friends which makes the 'torturous' racing fun.

For now... let me get post pics during the race at Kartright
last weekend.

Uncle Yee, Sunburst, fixing something on the Gillard kart
which I drove in.

While Uncle Yee made some more adjustment on the kart,
Andrew Tang's dad kept a close eye on his son kart.

See the empty slot on the grid? Supposed to be me there.
But elect to call it a day as my shoulder just ache from the day
before.. Disappointed? Slightly, but I'm sure I had some good
memories from this.

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