Another entry deriving from a highly disappointing race for myself
on Sunday.
I will say that it was particularly annoying when my race is cut short
by a engine problem.

Beside myself, there are also another 4 others who had to stop during
Heat 2 because of various reasons.
I bet it was mighty frustrating for them too.
We all prepared and woke up early so that we can have a good race
only to end up watching the race by the sidelines.
But I guess this is motorsports. It is highly uncertain.
At times, the winner of the race do not have the fastest machine or
the best equipment and they just win.
e.g. James Lee's rear axle was banged pretty hard before Heat 1 by
Kenneth in the pits area. Frankly, I would think at some point he may
have wondered if he can even race at all with the damage when he called
out to me saying that his axle is crooked at the grid.
Of course, he did raced, blazed the field and 'just won'.

No one knows how he did it, but he did what he did.
He is of course already the fastest among us.
Also, Ivan who had a good Heat 1 finishing second sccumbed to a
finger/ hand cramp

him. All respect to Alan, but I would expect Ivan to hold his position under
'normal' condition. Whatever it is normal, that is.
Ah, based on offical time sheet, Ivan is only fourth with Leo 2nd, and
Allan third. But during our weigh in, Leo was found to be underweight
by slightly more than 1 kg! The last time, not too long ago, he was found
to be underweight by <0.something>kg. How unfortunate!

The funny thing is that he had about the same fuel level and everything
else similar as Heat 1 but fail to have the same weight in Heat 2.
Only thing I told him that could be the difference maybe the loss of water
from racing. In our hot and humid weather here, it is not uncommon that
the amount of water loss is pretty high. So it's also "Alamak" for him!
You see, in a sports with so much uncertainties it sure hold much
attractions to us. It's a bit like gambling. Because if we win or do well
the satisfaction is immense!

on our face, and awaiting for more of the same to come by.
It drive one to do even better, as if I had built a solid foundation to go
even higher/ faster.

Inversely, the same applies. With my sore leg, back and ribs, bad engine,
and a lousy end result I was sort of frowning on Sunday evening and
yesterday... So I just hope and can't wait for a smile to returned on
7 March, when there's the next race, hopefully a good one personally.

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