Was in the track on Tue, 24 Nov.
Surpirsing it was a clear sky day, thank God!
However, it was not really a good day to go all crazy.
Tyres were all mostly shot... almost to pieces.
Then got some time to do some maintenance in replacing
the engine mount, which you will see it's cracked.
Yes, I wonder why too. But wear and tear is much expected from
this sports as we sometimes knowingly or unknowingly pushed
our equipment to the limits... and beyond.
So it is essential that equipment to be cleaned and checked for
any sign of failure and have them replaced asap.
It will prevent frustrations from poor results and injuries.

Part Deux
Today is Hari Raya, public holidays.
The causeway is jam up as when any public holidays combined
with school holidays.
Ivan and I crossed it in about 40mins at 7am while John took
150mins to clear from Tuas at 9.30am !!
Today I managed to clean my carb, and also had to replaced
clutch needle bearing. Another worn parts... tsk
Had some great fun with Ivan today. I'm just glad that he finally
repaired his kingpin, and able to take his kart on to the track!
Just had fun today, which is great.
Looking forward to race on Sunday, which promised more
interesting moments I'm sure.
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